As the name clearly indicates, this support workshop helps you to prioritise your children and to re-focus on them with other like-minded parents who also have been through separation/divorce.
Losing one’s focus and confidence as a parent is pretty easy under any circumstances. But even more so when you experience a momentous and explosive separation. Loss of control, indecision and feelings of uncertainty will seem to be the norm and anxiety levels run high. When it’s hard to know what is right anymore you feel unsure about what your child needs and you may have lost your parenting ‘compass’.
Especially if you’re in Family Court, where negative profiling of your former partner and playing the ‘blame game’ feels like adding more fuel to the fire and leaves you even more worried about how to bring up your children.
It becomes even harder to really know what your children want, especially as they will be trying to please you both. Stuck in the middle, children often behave like little diplomats, making it almost impossible to know how to support them.
We can help you analyse what is normal behaviour for children of any age i.e. is your 3-year old having tantrums because they feel sad about your separation or are their volcanic eruptions due to too many changes in their week? Is it normal for teenagers to take control of parenting arrangements and avoid going to see the other parent?
We support you to manage the usual and the unusual, as a parent and particularly as a separated parent. We look at what works best to strengthen your individual parenting skills and enable you to support your child without blaming each other.
We strive to get parents to focus on their future as co-parents. So if you are ready to bury the hatchet, set aside your judgements of your former partner and really knuckle down to work together without blaming each other then this course is for you. You can book a workshop (2 x 2hr sessions) either:
1) together as parents
2) separately to meet other parents who also would like to share their experiences.
Our next group workshops will be held on:
- Tuesday 28th February from 6pm to 8pm (Session 1)
- Tuesday 14th March from 6pm to 8pm (Session 2)
- Tuesday 28th March from 6pm to 8pm (Session 1)
- Tuesday 4th April from 6pm to 8pm (Session 2)
Please get in touch with us at:
Or call Steph on 07880 798 070 Nicola on 07789 497 275.
Visit our website at: for more information.