Is your child ‘exploding’ into tantrums? Acting very agitated? Behaving like a little bear with a sore head?
Well, maybe they are actually in high alert mode and very angry. Perhaps it’s as if there are bombs blowing up in their head and dinosaurs rampaging though their mind.
If their ‘fight or flight’ alarm system (the reptilian brain) is triggered enough times it can tripwire very easily into automatic mode.
It can be invigorating to some extent and helps to avoid the more sad stew like feelings that we are not so keen on getting close to.
Again processing those feelings and being creative about looking at these with children will help them not be scared by them. Drawing them, dancing them out, even ‘fun letting off steam’ helps. This will help them to self-monitor and contain these feelings more. Naming a feeling and finding a word for it, makes it approachable and also finite – in the sense once you’ve said what the feeling is, it is out and more manageable.