How to calm oneself and dissolve conflict?

Have you been in a situation where you felt you weren’t in control or wish you had kept calm? Or wished you had been able to defuse an argument? Or aghast at getting into a RED fog and can’t remember what came over you? Well, this can be explained by the power of our brains. Once familiar with the wonders of our brain then we can master more easily those impulsive urges and flashes of anger. The beauty of our […]

The Story of Minni Miyu

Minni Miyu was not your usual kind of girl. For a start her name was different! But also, SHE was different… She desperately wanted to be like the other children in her class or even those on the street. She would look at the ‘heart’ children, who were so well-loved, always smiley-faced and seemed so happy. The ‘star’ kids would stand out and be ‘brilliant’ and would ‘shine’ at whatever they did! The ’round’ kids would be bouncy ‘all rounders’ […]